Personalized Wellness for your Workplace.
Effective Employee Wellness Solutions
Our team team of Hawaii, board-certified doctors are here to help your organization become a healthier and happier workplace. We create personalized programs for your workforce.
Better Engagement and Participation
We make wellness fun and easy with incentivized smart watch giveaways and team competitions. Customized on-boarding aligned to your workplace culture.
Our Plans Include:

Same-day telemedicine appointments.
Access to board-certified doctors in as soon as 30 minutes of scheduling.
Appointment for urgent care conditions.
Personalized wellness roadmap with health coach.
Biometric health screening and follow up counseling.
Goal setting with a dedicated health coach.
Smart watch with an integrated, customized fitness program.
Coaching for smoking cessation, weight loss, diabetes management.
Mental Health Services
Depression and anxiety
Family counseling
Stress management
Covid-19 Response
Expedited testing and physician follow up
Local Lab Testing
Connect patients with a local lab for convenient testing
Results flow automatically into our electronic medical records
Enabling more efficient and effective patient care
Talk to our team about a custom wellness plan for your organization.
Tina R. Walker
California Community Foundatioon