Welcome to Cloudwell Geriatric Wellness

Here you can get information on age-related health conditions, tips and advice on staying fit and healthy, as well as how to use our health services and the care we can offer after leaving hospital.

Click here to register for our free, physician designed wellness program which provides you with unlimited access to a health coach, medical and mental health consultations, health tracking, fast-track specialist referrals, regular health related gifts and much much more.

Register for Wellness Program


It’s been a tough year for most of us, living alongside COVID-19 has brought additional challenges and worries.

With this handy guide, we are bringing you simple steps to help you get prepared.

There are things we can do for ourselves and there is lots of help available, click here to book a telehealth consultation or to enroll in our free wellness program, and remember you are never on your own.

Staying well this year means doing all we can to be prepared to stay well and stay connected.

Looking after yourself – Be prepared

Get the Flu Vaccine – this free vaccine is readily available to protect older and vulnerable people – even if you are feeling fit.

Shopping – stay stocked up on basics like rice, pasta and canned goods like soup and beans. Check what arrangements your local shops have in place for deliveries – many developed new services and priority slots for older people from the first lockdown.

Personal Alarm – a body-worn personal alarm button can be used to call for help in the event of a fall – especially reassuring for older people living on their own.

Health Tracking – Click here to learn more about our free wellness and health tracking program.

Medication – Make sure you have enough medication and food –

Hydration – Keep a bottle of water in case your supply is interrupted.

Prepare for a power shortage with flashlights and batteries.

Keep a mobile or portable phone well charged.

Keep a list of emergency numbers somewhere handy.

Every Day

Keep Moving – Being active is proven to give you a boost. Try not to sit still for more than an hour at a time. Regular movement is important for strength, balance and mobility. Aim for at least 30 minutes of activity each day.

Eat Well and Stay Hydrated – keep to a routine and eat regularly, include a variety of fruit and veg and fibre, avoid too many treats, limit alcohol and drink plenty of fluids.

Do Something You Enjoy Every Day – keeping busy takes effort, but daily tasks give great satisfaction. Find pleasure in things you now have the time for:
a book you’ve been meaning to read, a forgotten hobby, or a project you never had time to complete.

Small wins can build motivation and momentum.

Looking After Each Other

It’s not unusual to feel a bit down during COVID Try to keep your usual routines, think of others, and stay connected. Click here to access Cloudwell Mental Health Services.

Phone family, friends or neighbours regularly for a chat, if you can’t safely visit them

With our Virtual Care Services we can see patients safely from the comfort of their own home. Encourage people to get the healthcare they need.

How can we help.

Here at Cloudwell Health we are passionate about healthcare and how to improve access to it.

We have Hawaii Board Certified Clinicians and Therapists ready to help look after your health and mental wellbeing.